

Criteria for the NetZone Webring are simple:

1. You must have a quality web site containing good content and with a professional air to it.

2. Your site must not appear obviously out-of-date or ignored.

3. You must show some good working knowledge of your topic. Serious sites should get their message across effectively.

4. If you reside on an FWP (Free Web Provider) I will not accept you as a member if your site contains ugly forced advertising or popup banners.

5. No MSN Community sites. Though the sites are often fine, the servers are very overloaded and slow, which bogs down the entire webring.

6. Also, no hate sites or illegal content. Having said this, NetZone encourages Freedom of Speech and is happy to accept sites covering topics that are often considered controversial. For instance, if you specialise in nude photography, run a naturist site, a site targeting the gay community, or a religious-based site you are more than welcome to apply.

All topics are welcome, from hamsters to hair, it is the way you present your interest(s) that makes that difference between being accepted or not. Even if you have doubts I encourage you to submit to the NetZone: the webring that looks for quality, not quantity.

Submission Process

  • Right click and save the image below to your own hard drive. Do not link directly to the image on this site! To prevent this, the image is regularly moved.
  • Click on the 'Application Form' button below, then fill out the form on the next page.
  • The HTML fragment will be e-mailed to you within a few minutes. If you do not receive it, please e-mail me.
  • Insert the fragment onto your page. It is already customised for your site and involves a simple cut 'n' paste operation. You may modify the colours and fonts used in the links so they better suit your page. Check the links work and that the end result is like the one below.
  • E-mail me and I will move you into the ring. Note that if you do not e-mail me it may be some time before I realise you have your fragment in place. Meanwhile, you are missing out on traffic! On top of this, sites still in the queue after one month are automatically deleted.

Application Form


Member Information

Here are some links you may need if you are already a member:

Membership List

Ring Statistics

Most Popular Webrings (Top 100)

Edit Your Site
