Hunting and Feeding

Hunting & Feeding - Page 1: Concealment | 2&3: Technique | 4: Failures | 5: The Lethal Bite |
6: Feeding Before Making The Kill | 7: The Menu | 8: The Food Chain | 9&10: Feeding |
11&12: In Captivity

The more demanding prey species:

Certain prey animals present particular difficulties and in these cases the tiger modifies its technique.

    • Porcupine:

    The tiger is the only animal which will challenge the porcupine and the cat is able to kill a porcupine outright. In doing so tigers often get quills embedded in their paws or jaw, which may render them unable to hunt or feed properly.

The longest quill on a porcupine is over a foot long and even a small quill will quickly turn septic.

    • Elephant calves:

    An attempt will be made to disable a stray elephant calf. The cat may try to rip the trunk which this causes excessive bleeding and eventual death. Shock also accelerates the process.

    Once the herd moves on the baby will be left to its fate. A tiger performing this trick must be very careful since being caught in an elephant stampede can result in injury or death.

      • Large herd animals like buffalo:

      The tiger may approach the outside of the herd searching for a calf, then hit and run, returning for the dead animal later on. In doing this a tiger can be severely injured or killed by the following herds.

      Another option for large animals is to first attempt to disable the creature with a hamstring attack, followed by a second hit on the throat.

      In areas with plenty of prey, tigers are less territorial and may very occasionally co-operate to hunt large animals like buffalo. This is most unusual and a pair hunting together are likely to be courting, while multiple tigers will be a tigress teaching her cubs. 

Hunting & Feeding - Page 1: Concealment | 2&3: Technique | 4: Failures | 5: The Lethal Bite |
6: Feeding Before Making The Kill | 7: The Menu | 8: The Food Chain | 9&10: Feeding |
11&12: In Captivity

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Photography With Thanks To  Lisa Purcell
 © All Rights Reserved. Displayed here with permission, for educational, non-profit purposes.