Skeleton and Internal Organs

Skeleton & Internal Organs - Page 1: Skeleton | 2: Internal Organs


This stylised image shows the major organs of the tiger.


The tiger is one of about 4,000 species of mammal. Of these approximately 960 are bats.

The largest land mammal is the elephant and a bull can weigh as much as 6 tonnes.

The largest sea mammal is the blue whale which is 20 times the size of our bull elephant.


Mammals have large brains relative to their body size. This means they are quite clever in comparison to animals with little brain -- like fish.

Lungs (1):

These take in fresh air. Even oceanic mammals like whales and dolphins need to come up to breathe. If they get caught in nets and can't surface they'll drown.

Heart (2):

Only mammals and birds have four chambers in the heart. The two right chambers send blood to the lungs for oxygenation. It then flows back into the left chambers which push it around the body.

The blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart are termed arteries.


Mammals are warm-blooded and have a constant body temperature of around 35-40 degrees centigrade.

Liver (3):

A large organ which processes chemicals in the body.

Stomach (4):

Baglike organ producing strong chemicals which break down food.

Kidney (5):

Kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products.

Intestines (6):

These break down food and remove nutrients so they be utilised by the body. Also known as guts.

Live young (7):

Mammals give birth to live young. The only exceptions to this rule are the platypus and the echidna which lay eggs like birds.

Bladder (8)

Skeleton & Internal Organs - Page 1: Skeleton | 2: Internal Organs

 Taxonomy | Whiskers | Hearing & Ear Spots | Eyesight | Smell | Teeth | Communication | Flehman | Genetics |
Life Span | Streaking | Claws, Paws & Pug Marks | Skin & Coat | Gait | Tail | Cleanliness & Tongue |
Skeleton & Internal Organs | Big Cat/Small Cat?

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Photography With Thanks To Ralf Schmode
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