Other Hybrid Cats

Other Hybrid Cats - Page 1&2: Other Rare & Common Hybrids | 3: Natural Hybridisation |
4: Breeding For New Domestic Species 

Warning Note: Some of these species are now bred and sold on the 'pet' market. Like all wild species these cats need special care, housing, training and licences. They can be very dangerous if not handled carefully and ownership should not be entered into lightly. In many areas it is illegal to keep these animals and many are surrendered to sanctuaries each year when they become too difficult or dangerous to keep.

Where a cat has no official breed name this article follows the traditional nomenclature of placing the male parent before the female and identifying the offspring in that manner.


It was the development of menageries which originally led to the desire to breed unusual creatures to attract the paying public. There are not a lot of historic records relating to early hybridisation among big cats in menagerie conditions. It rarely happens in modern zoos as these attempt to breed animals 'true to the original form'. Hybridisation of the smaller wildcats is common among private breeders.



The tigard was a once-only captive hybridisation between a tiger and a leopardess. Carried out in Germany, Hagenbeck reported on the pairing stating that the offpsring were stillborn, however they supposedly had both spots and stripes. No other information is available.

[No known photographs exist.]

The dogla:

These were reported by the Indian natives back in the early 1900s. They were said to be a natural leopard/tigress hybrid, but despite reports of large leopards with abdominal striping the validity of the claims was never confirmed. Leopards with aberrant markings could also explain these sightings.

One obvious hybrid was shot, but this was nothing like those animals described by the natives. This male had the head and tail of a leopard and the body, shoulders and ruff of a tiger. There was a combination of rosettes and stripes across the pelage, the stripes being black and much more prominent than the rosettes. Unfortunately, the pelt was lost.

[No known photographs exist.]

Bobcat and lynx hybrids:

Bobcat/lynx hybrids vary in appearance and amount of spotting depending upon the subspecies involved. These are not an unusual hybridisation and are often sold for the home market. This seems odd as bobcats, despite their compact size, are highly territorial and can be one of the more vicious of the small cats.

[Photographs 1 & 2.]

(Continued Page 2)

Other Hybrid Cats - Page 1&2: Other Rare & Common Hybrids | 3: Natural Hybridisation |
4: Breeding For New Domestic Species

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Photography With Thanks To Cossette's Exotics
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