Corbetts or the Indochinese tiger -- Panthera tigris corbetti

Corbetts - Page 1&2: In The Wild | 3: In Captivity | 4: Subspecies Description | 5: Weight & Length Figures
6&7: Conservation

Corbetts Tiger - Status in Thailand:

Thailand is a particularly important area for this tiger as it is here cat numbers are strongest. A 1990 survey reported that about 250 tigers were left, though officials from the Thailand Royal Forest Department (RFD) suggested a figure of 600 animals.

Higher forest areas in Thailand contain only patchy distributions of the large prey required by tigers. As a result they have tended to move down onto lowland forested valleys where prey animals are in greater abundance.

Fifteen potential tiger populations have now been identified across Thailand, though some of these are part of populations extending into Myanmar, Malaysia and Cambodia.

Corbetts Tiger - Status in Myanmar:

Fifteen years ago Corbett tiger numbers were estimated at around 1,500. A recent large mammal survey has demonstrated the Corbetts tiger is far less abundant in Myanmar (Burma) than previously estimated and poaching is known to be extremely heavy. As of today tiger populations may have dropped to just a few hundred.

Corbetts Tiger - Status in Malaysia:

Prior to 1955, this subspecies was considered by Malaysian authorities to be a pest. The government set up a bounty scheme and paid for each carcass handed in.  

It was not until 1976 that Malaysia recognised the need to conserve the tiger. Since this time tiger populations are estimated to have risen from approximately 300 individuals to an estimated 520, most of these being in 10 protected areas. A more optimistic assessment considers that there are now between 600-650 tigers. (This second number counts several restricted security sites).

Conflict between humans and tigers is greatest in Malaysia, but illegal hunting and trading is under good control.

Population density:

Across its territory the density of the Corbetts tiger ranges from as high as four to five adult tigers for every 100 square kilometres, to a solitary animal for the same land area. All are exposed to risks from human encroachment, fragmentation and inbreeding.

It is considered that this subspecies is disappearing faster than any other, with at least one Corbetts tiger being killed through poaching (shooting, trapping, or poisoning) each week.

Corbetts - Page 1&2: In The Wild | 3: In Captivity | 4: Subspecies Description | 5: Weight & Length Figures
6&7: Conservation

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Photography With Thanks To Denise McQuillen
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